Parents and Friends
Parents – Partners with the school
We encourage an active and healthy partnership between school and home. We encourage your involvement in school life. You can be involved in a number of ways. This could include:
- Canteen volunteer
- Participation in Parents & Friends (P&F)
- Working bees
- Helping in the classroom
Parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns about the school or their child’s progress with the class teacher or principal.
Parents and Friends Association (P&F)
The School has an active Parents and Friends Association which assists the School through social, educational, fundraising and maintenance activities.
Some of the events that the P&F coordinate are:
- Meal Deal Days
- Quiz Night
- Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day Stall
- Children’s Disco
- Raffles
- Movie Nights
The support and participation of all families is essential for the success of all activities held throughout the year.