School Board

The School Board has an important role in relation to the management and functioning of the school which is outlined in the SACCS (South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools) Guidelines for School Boards. 

The Board is comprised of elected and appointed members and support the effective partnership between parents, staff, students and parish. 

It meets monthly and considers a broad range of financial, resources, infrastructure, educational and spiritual issues. 


Fr Joseph Raja Parish Priest / Board President
Ella Kirkham Acting Principal / Executive Officer
Rachel Miller Chairperson of School Board
Deb Reynolds Deputy Chair
Andrew Collette Chairperson of the Finance Committee
Angela Gherghetta Elected representative
Kim Maglieri Elected representative
Kristy Williams Elected representative
Kylie Bowman Parents and Friends representative
Josh Page/Paula Clarke Staff representative
Carol McNicol Secretary


Visit the Catholic Education South Australia School Board website for resources to assist with School Boards in Catholic Schools in SA.