Fee Payment
Payment of Fees & Accounting Procedures
Fee accounts will be forwarded early in Terms 1, 2 and 3.
Reminder notices will be sent to families if fees are not paid by the end of Week 7 of each billing term.
It is essential that the School collect fees in the terms in which they fall due.
Direct debit facilities are available for any family wishing to pay by this method - monthly, fortnightly or weekly payments are appropriate. Application forms are available from the office or at enrolment/fees/forms
Payment of Fees while Absent from School
Absence Due to Sickness:
A student who is absent from school due to sickness shall be charged full fees for the first three weeks absence. No further fees shall be charged for any further period of consecutive absence, provided that an application for fee reduction is supported by a doctor’s certificate. Normal family discounts shall apply to other members of the family attending regional schools.
Absence Due to Employment of Parent:
Where a child is absent from school because the parent is required as part of their employment, to travel overseas or interstate, the following fees shall apply:
- For an absence up to 25 school days (half a term) full fees less the normal family discount shall apply.
- For periods in excess of 25 school days, 50% of normal full fees shall be charged, less family discounts.