23 Term 1 Week 3

Over the last week or so, we have again been spreading ‘school pick up’ messages (and letters) in hope of making school pick up safer and smoother for all, particularly along Mulga Street and Ramsay Avenue. The last couple of days have been better, and by 3.10pm the line has almost been non-existent, which has made pick up for families arriving that little later- extremely easy. Again, we encourage you to come from 3.10pm-3.15pm and we are on duty until 3.25pm. Please ensure this information is passed on to other people who may pick up your children. The picture below was taken at 3.10pm on Tuesday. Families acting on the messages makes all the difference so thank you for your ongoing support and efforts!
Opening Mass & Farewell to Cathy Lainio:
Yesterday we celebrated our whole school Opening Mass, reflecting on our 2023 theme of Act Justly, Walk Humbly. We were led by Fr Joseph with a number of students assisting with reading and alter serving, It was a wonderful way to celebrate the beginning of the year and students demonstrated our school values perfectly with their reverence and beautiful singing. We thank Tanya Stott for her great work in preparing and leading the mass. Thank you to those families who were able to join us.
At the end of our Mass we had a community farewell for Cathy Lainio, who has been an outstanding member of our staff for over 16 years. It is hard to put into words the impact that Cathy has had on our whole school community. We wish Cathy all the best for her next adventure.
Welcome to Stella Maris gathering
On Monday, 20th February at 8.50am we will gather in the Church to welcome new students and staff. This will predominantly involve a presentation to our new Reception students, along with other students who have started at Stella Maris in 2023. Families are invited to join us.
NDIS Sessions
Catholic Education SA in partnership with Stella Maris and Mission Australia are offering parents the chance to meet in person with a consultant who specialises in NDIS funding and support. See the flyer below for further information.
We will have a consultant here at school on the following days / times:
- Tuesday 21st February 1:45pm - 4:00pm
- Tuesday 23rd February 1:45 - 4:00pm
There is no need to make an appointment, just come to the front office and we will direct you to the Mission Australia consultant. Please feel free to contact Emma Chapman or James for further information.
Lent and Ash Wednesday
Next week we will acknowledge two very significant days in our Catholic calendar. Shrove Tuesday (21st) will entail the traditional pancake cook up. Tony is always looking for registered volunteers to help out on the day. Please see him if you are able to help at any stage in the morning.
On Wednesday we begin the important season of Lent with an Ash Wednesday mass (9:15am Y3-6) and Liturgy (10:30am R-2).
Parents are welcome to attend these events if they wish. More details will be provided about these events in the newsletter this week.
Pupil Free day- Friday March 10th
Please note that the School Board has approved a Student Free Day on March 10th to allow for staff professional development. Our focus for this day will be on Wellbeing and Positive Education. Staff will be introduced to our new Whole School Wellbeing program as a part of The Resilience Project School Partnerships Program. We really look forward to sharing this program with families also. OSHC will be available on this date- bookings are essential.
The following student free days have also been ratified by the school board:
Term 2 = Friday July 7th
Term 3 = Date to be confirmed
Term 4 = Monday November 20th
Term 4 = Thursday December 14th and Friday December 15th
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Stella Maris Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday, 15th March at 7:00pm in the Library / Resource centre.
All parents are invited to attend the AGM, which is an opportunity for key members of staff to provide a summary of the 2022 school year and the plans for the 2023 school year. It is also the time where we elect parents to the School Board. More information about the election process and the AGM will be provided to parents early next week.
This year NAPLAN, which has always been held in the second week of May, will begin on March 15 (week 7) for students in Year 3, 5, 7 & 9. This will mean that results will be available to schools and families earlier in the year, which will allow schools and teachers to better assess what support students need for the coming year.
At Stella Maris, we see these tests as one aspect of our thorough assessment and reporting process. They are not a replacement for the extensive, ongoing assessments completed by your child’s teacher throughout the year. Students have and will be given an opportunity in class to practice answering similar type questions and get used to the format of the Online NAPLAN testing in the lead up to testing days.
All families of children in year 3 & 5 were emailed further information. If you have any further questions about the tests, or wish to seek clarification on any further information, please do not hesitate to call me or speak to your child’s class teacher. Likewise, if you did not receive the information, please let us know. Helpful information can also be found that the following website: https://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/for-parents-carers
Kind Regards
Ella Kirkham

Dear families and friends,
Yesterday, our whole school gathered for our first mass for the 2023 school year. Our theme was ‘Act Justly, Walk Humbly’ and our senior classes contributed and supported in a number of ways. It was an extra special occasion, as it is Cathy Lainio’s last week with us, so she was officially farewelled and presented with a large bunch of flowers and a gift. It was lovely to have some family members and friends join us and I am sure they would have appreciated the beautiful singing of the students and the reverence they displayed during the service.
Sacramental Programme 2023 – St Ann’s Catholic Parish
St Ann’s Parish is now accepting registrations for the 2023 Sacramental Programme, which is Parish Based and School Supported. We welcome Sr Jasmine who is new to the Parish this year and among her other duties, she is also the Sacramental Coordinator. Fr Joseph, myself and Matthew Min (APRIM at St Bernadette’s School) are also members of this team. There is an information and registration sheet included with the newsletter this week. If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the parish. I may also be able to assist you on the days I am at Stella Maris; these are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Help needed for Shrove Tuesday – Tuesday February 21st
Traditionally, the day before Ash Wednesday is known by a number of names including Pancake or Shrove Tuesday. Long ago, it was a tradition for families to use up all their delicacies (eggs, butter, milk) prior to the start of the Lenten Season, which was to be a period of abstinence and fasting. Pancakes were useful in ensuring this. Nowadays, many of us still continue this tradition and so pancakes will be the order of the day on the 21st! Special dietary requirements will be catered for, so that all can participate. (Please ensure that you have informed the school via the Front Office, of any changes to your child’s/children’s dietary requirements, so we have the most up to date information.)
If you are a cleared volunteer, who is on our register and are able to help with the serving of pancakes anytime between 9am and 2pm, please contact Tony Carbone, who is coordinating this event. Include in your email, the time you are available to help out - Tony will then create a roster for the day.
Tony’s email is tony.carbone@smps.catholic.edu.au
Many thanks!
Ash Wednesday – Wednesday February 22nd
The Season of Lent is almost with us, beginning on Ash Wednesday. Just as nature has its seasons, so too does the Liturgical Year of the Church. Lent is an opportunity to reflect on our lives and prepare ourselves spiritually for the most significant celebration of the Liturgical Year – Easter.
Our Year 3 to 6 students will be attending the parish Ash Wednesday Mass at 9.15am on February 22nd. Following this at 10.30am, our Year R to 2 students will have a simple Liturgy in the church. During these celebrations, those attending receive the sign of the cross in ashes on their foreheads. This symbol is a visual reminder of our commitment during the 40 days of Lent, to try to be the best versions of ourselves and make good choices for the benefit of all.
I will leave you with some words of wisdom from scripture…
“My dear friends, we must love each other. Love comes from God, and when we love each other, it shows that we have been given new life.”
1John 4:7
Many blessings,
Tanya Stott
Dear School Community,
Welcome to all families, returning or new, to Stella Maris. We are becoming used to starting our school year in a 'different' way, this year not thanks to Covid so much as 'Building Works"! Yet another chance to increase our Resilience and improve our Flexibilty, but also important to acknowledge it is a change, and has an impact on each and every one of us. Whether it be due to parking, playspace, noise or the excitement of diggers and trucks! It will all be worth it.
I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and my role of Pastoral Care Support, especially as we have grown rapidly as a school since my role began here at Stella Maris six years ago. I came to Stella from a background of Social Work, where I spent most of my career supporting Children and Families. I joined the school in the role of Curriculum ESO and 'unofficial Pastoral Care', as it was back then.....which fed my passion of helping children be the best they can be, knowing they are fully capable human beings and have the ability to meet many of their own emotional needs, understanding that they may require support from time to time to learn the tools and strategies to enable them to do this as they grow.
As time went on the school were very proactive in making the role of Pastoral Care Support official in Stella Maris. I love my role here at school, and am so privileged to get to know so many students and families in our school community. All families have their ups and downs, their challenges and tough times. It is my aim to be someone who can listen without judgement, provide support when necessary to students, teachers and parents. This may be in the form of 1:1 check ins or mentor sessions with students, small groupwork or providing information to parents or teachers about an issue affecting the student in the classroom or at home. This role does not provide counselling, but I can help identify when there is a need and help link with external services for further help and support. I am so lucky to have great flexibility in this role so if you have a need, reach out to me. Most importantly, I'm available for a chat.
Stella Maris places huge value on wellbeing, for students, families and staff. They have committed to support and grow my role in response to need. This means I have an increase in hours and availablity to support the growth of our School Community. It also means I am no longer Curriculum ESO, but soley Pastoral Care Support. This change, as well as the many other additions to support staff in the school, is designed to benefit our whole school community and help us all be in an environment where we feel supported and in the right space to learn!
You can reach me by phone through the front office, or by email Emily.Hughes@smps.catholic.edu.au Monday (8:45am - 3pm) Tuesday (8:00am - 4:30pm) Wednesday (8:45am - 3:00pm)
I look forward to reconnecting, or getting to know you and your family.
Emily Hughes
Pastoral Care Support

If you would like to participate in the Parents & Friends Committee 2023, please register via the link below:

Important Dates
Shrove Tuesday
Ash Wednesday
Pupil Free Day
Public Holiday
NAPLAN tests start
Parent Teacher Interviews - week commencing
Reconciliation Meeting
Good Friday - Public Holiday
Easter Monday - Public Holiday
Year 5 Camp May 8 - 10
Reconciliation Meeting
Reconciliation Celebration
Public Holiday
Confirmation Celebration
First Communion Celebration
School Photographs
Student Absence Notification
Please use one of the following three options to notify the school that your child will be absent:
Absentee Text Line: 0408 279 478
Absentee Phone Message: 8306 4888
Absentee Email: contact@smps.catholic.edu.au
Uniform Information

The school uniform can be fitted (by appointment only) and ordered at our offsite uniform shop:
Their uniform warehouse is located at 10 Newton Road Campbelltown
phone: 0451 725 600
email: campbelltown@belgraviasports.com.au
The full range of uniforms and sizes are available for fittings at SMPS. Please contact Tony in the office to make an appointment time.
WHS Inductions for Volunteers
Please contact Kirralee Philips to arrange a time.
E: kirralee.philips@smps.catholic.edu,au
P: 8306 4888
Holy Spirit Church
Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday, 9am - 2pm
Phone: 08 8298 1044
Email: stannparish@adam.com.au
Address: 24A Ramsay Ave Seacombe Gardens SA 5047
St Bernadette's Church:
Sunday 10:45am
Wednesday & Friday 12 noon
Holy Spirit Church:
Saturday 6pm
Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday 9:15am
Music Tutors
Guitar - Chris Larsson
Mobile: 0424 241 040
Email: chrislarsson01@gmail.com
Piano - Patricia Heller
Mobile: 0403 645 271
Email: patricianheller@gmail.com
Singing - Hallmark Music Studio
Email: kylie@hallmarkmusicstudio.com.au
Violin - Jenny McDonald
Mobile: 0410 441 974
Email: jenjen7@outlook.com