23 Term 1 Week11
We celebrate the season of Easter with great joy, we conclude a busy term together and we look forward to another bumper Term 2 at Stella. This is Week 11 of Term 1!

I apologise if your child came home on Tuesday letting you know I said that they could eat Easter Eggs for the next 50 days!
I spoke to the students on Tuesday after our joyous Easter Liturgy about the fact that the Easter season is not just 1 day – but rather a season with 50 days! I used the chocolate egg analogy to try and explain this to the students - some may have taken this literally!
I also spoke to the students about the contrast in our Holy Week liturgies – particularly our sombre and quiet reflection during the Holy Thursday liturgy compared to the joy and happiness of our Easter Sunday liturgy. This was very deliberate. The sadness and darkness of Good Friday is wiped away by the joy and light of Easter. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t have happiness without feeling sadness, you can’t have light without dark. You can't have Easter Sunday without Good Friday.
During this season of Easter, we are called to be Easter people – people of peace, kindness, and joy and to bring happiness to others in our life.
I wish you a great Easter season – and perhaps a few extra days of chocolate eggs!
What a busy term we have had. We knew at the start of the year that this year would pose some challenges and a need to do things ‘differently’ and with agility and flexibility. I can not speak more highly of the way our staff, students and families have managed the changes that have needed to occur due to our building program.
I mentioned in my correspondence throughout the lead up to the year starting, our most important aim in managing the building project, was to ensure that the learning, progress, wellbeing and safety of your child is made the absolute priority. I am quite confident that this has been the case. The data and observations we collect regularly at school, and my casual conversations with parents indicate that this is the case as well.
Of course, if you are concerned about any aspect of our schooling life, then as always I encourage you to email me or see me about this.
We have had another busy term of sport this term as well. We have had the following events occur:
- A large number of students have once again completed a very successful term of after school sport.
- Statewide Knockout games have been ongoing with the Boys Cricket team having a forfeit meaning they have won through to the Quarter final and our Girls Knockout Cricket team winning through to Semi-final in Term 4.
- The SAPSSA Girls and Boys Football Carnival occurred earlier in the term.
- We have also had a number of sporting carnivals including the SACPPSA Swimming Carnival where we finished the Section 3 competition in 2nd overall and the Hockey Carnival where 3 sides were named Champion teams.
We thank James McCarthy for his ongoing leadership in this domain.
Our Arts focus also continues to gather momentum and go from strength to strength. Our major focus this term has been on preparations for our Bi-Annual Whole School Concert which will take place over 2 nights, in 2 separate concerts (similar to the music concert) at Westminster Theatre in Week 10 of Term 2. Kate Mainprize continues to do a great job in leading this extravaganza. Information about this will continue to be provided to families.
We have also had very strong interest in our School Band and Year 3/4 Choir – both led by Victoria Traeger and our Senior Festival Choir – led by Kate Mainprize.
We thank both Kate and Vic for their leadership in this area of our school.
We now turn our attention to another bumper Term 2 which begins for all students on Monday 1st May.
We are looking forward to more learning, celebrations, gatherings and joy as we continue to “Act Justly and Walk Humbly” at Stella.
During the holidays I will provide parents with some information about the upcoming events in Term 2 which will be occurring and provide some further updates on other school related matters.
I wish all families at Stella a very relaxing, safe and enjoyable holiday period and thank you all for your continued support of our great school.
During the holiday break, our office will be closed and we will re-open on Monday 1st May. In an emergency, you can send an email to contact@smps.catholic.edu.au and we will get back to you when we can.
Take care.

Dear families and friends,
Blessings of the Easter Season to you all, which extends from Easter Sunday until Pentecost. White and Gold are the representative colours of this season of the Liturgical year, symbolising Joy and New Life. We celebrated the Resurrection when we returned to school on Tuesday, with a joyful whole school Easter Liturgy lead by our Year 4 and Year 6 classes. Having live music courtesy of our very talented Music Teacher, Victoria Traeger and student musicians, adds a special dimension and richness to Liturgical Celebrations here at Stella Maris and certainly inspires the beautiful singing of our community.
A few reminders for next term…
Parish Sacramental Programme
Reconciliation preparation continues with Session Two on Tuesday 9th of May at 7pm in the Holy Spirit Church hall.
Our focus will be on preparing the students for their very first Reconciliation, which will occur the following week on Tuesday 16th of May. We plan to start this session promptly at 7pm and be finished by 8pm. Please remember to look through the booklet you received when we met a few weeks ago and go through the activities with your child – many thanks!
It is not too late to register your child for Confirmation and First Communion preparation, which will commence on July 4th. The Parish has suggested that students who are 10 years of age and above can participate. Sr Jasmine, who is our Sacramental Coordinator can be contacted on 0415 577 976 if you have any queries or require clarification.
If you would like the Parish Information letter and Registration form, please email me on tanya.stott@smps.catholic.edu.au and I will send it to you.
Finally, many thanks for supporting the work of Caritas, through their Lenten Project Compassion Appeal. Donation boxes can still be returned to the Front Office this week.
As we head into the school holidays, may you have the opportunity to slow down and spend time with those you love. May you create and capture precious memories, have adventures, be silly, try new experiences and live each and every day to the full.
May the blessing of light be upon you, light without and light within
And may Jesus, the light of the world, be your guide, your support and your inspiration.
Tanya Stott
As I was watching a tv show last night I heard the most beautiful quote I thought I'd share....
"A perfect life is made up of a lifetime of imperfect days!"
Have a happy and safe school holidays and enjoy those imperfect moments that make up our memories!
Emily Hughes
Pastoral Care Support

Who are Kaurna?
For those on Kaurna Country, the Marion Council are offering an information session during Reconciliation Week on Friday 2 June from 10:00am – 11:00am titled, “Kaurna Language and History – Who are Kaurna”. Tickets are free and bookings are required. A precis of the event from the website:
Jack Buckskin is a Kaurna, Narungga and Wirangu man, born in the Adelaide Plains region, who has dedicated himself to learning and sharing the Kaurna language and culture. He has been heavily involved in the Kaurna revitalisation movement for more than 15 years and continues to contribute to the development and teaching of the Kaurna language. Jack also shares his culture and stories through dance and other cultural workshops through his cultural services and dance group, Kuma Kaaru, which translates to ‘one blood’. Jack and Kuma Kaaru have also been given the opportunity to showcase dance, language and culture internationally, having been invited to perform and speak in a number of countries, including India, Nauru, Canada and Austria.
Participants will be taught Who Kaurna are, Kaurna Lands, the History of the Name, Observers and who documented Kaurna Language, the important people in the documentation and the revitalization of the Kaurna Language and how Kaurna is used along with its strengths and weaknesses.
Weblink: https://www.marion.sa.gov.au/things-to-do/events-calendar/kaurna-language-and-history-who-are-kaurna (for online bookings).
Important Dates
Term 2 Starts
Year 5 Camp May 8 - 10
Reconciliation Meeting
Reconciliation Celebration
Public Holiday
'Back In My Day' school concert - Westminster Theatre
'Back In My Day' school concert - Westminster Theatre
Pupil Free Day
Confirmation Celebration
First Communion Celebration
School Photographs
Italian Day
Year 6 Camp - Oct 17 - 20
Year 4 Camp - Oct 23 to 25
Sports Day
Pupil Free Day
Student Absence Notification
Please use one of the following three options to notify the school that your child will be absent:
Absentee Text Line: 0408 279 478
Absentee Phone Message: 8306 4888
Absentee Email: contact@smps.catholic.edu.au
Uniform Information

The school uniform can be fitted (by appointment only) and ordered at our offsite uniform shop:
Their uniform warehouse is located at 10 Newton Road Campbelltown
phone: 0451 725 600
email: campbelltown@belgraviasports.com.au
The full range of uniforms and sizes are available for fittings at SMPS. Please contact Tony in the office to make an appointment time.
WHS Inductions for Volunteers
Please contact Kirralee Philips to arrange a time.
E: kirralee.philips@smps.catholic.edu,au
P: 8306 4888
Holy Spirit Church
Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday, 9am - 2pm
Phone: 08 8298 1044
Email: stannparish@adam.com.au
Address: 24A Ramsay Ave Seacombe Gardens SA 5047
St Bernadette's Church:
Sunday 10:45am
Wednesday & Friday 12 noon
Holy Spirit Church:
Saturday 6pm
Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday 9:15am
Music Tutors
Guitar - Chris Larsson
Mobile: 0424 241 040
Email: chrislarsson01@gmail.com
Piano - Patricia Heller
Mobile: 0403 645 271
Email: patricianheller@gmail.com
Singing - Hallmark Music Studio
Email: kylie@hallmarkmusicstudio.com.au
Violin - Jenny McDonald
Mobile: 0410 441 974
Email: jenjen7@outlook.com