25 Term 1 Week 6
This week has been enriched with the celebration of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. As a school community we learnt about the origins of Shrove Tuesday and enjoyed delicious pancakes (over 800 cooked and served- thanks to Tony Carbone and the following parents who volunteered their time to support this; Sally, Lucy, Lisa, Brendan, Amanda, Megan, Deb, Chloe, Elke, Kara, Afroditi and Vanessa!) We also thank all families for their generous donations towards Project Compassion on the day. In the coming week will will have a clearer picture of how much we have managed to raise as a school community to support Project Compassion this Lent.
On Wednesday we came together as a whole school community for our Ash Wednesday liturgy led by our Year 6 Social Justice Group. The students helped us to unpack the significance of receiving ashes on our forehead at the beginning of the very important season of Lent in the Catholic Church. Lent is a period of forty days leading up to Easter. It is a time of prayer and reflection on the way we live our lives and we are challenged to be ‘better people’. Traditionally it is a time where we might ‘give something up’ or ‘take something on’ – something that may make a difference for other people in our lives. Jesus taught and challenges us to be peacemakers who care for all. This Lent our challenge is to Unite against poverty.
These significant events for our Catholic community were also an opportunity for students to represent Stella Maris beyond our school. Last Monday, our Year 6 classes attended the annual Caritas Fun Run along with 8 other Catholic Schools in the Southwest Region. Students were encouraged to think about how they could assist with this year’s Project Compassion campaign and 'Unite against poverty. They joined in prayer and then walked or ran either 3 or 6 kilometres as they began to think about how they can assist others and promote the Project Compassion campaign this year.
Earlier this week the eldest child in each family was given a Project Compassion box, by our Year 6 Social Justice students. Each year during the Season of Lent, Caritas launch and promote Project Compassion. Caritas is a Catholic organization, supporting vulnerable communities both in Australia and all over the world with the goal of ending poverty, promoting justice and upholding dignity. We encourage families to use this box to give what they can this Lenten Season. You are invited to return your boxes to Stella Maris in the last week of term and on your behalf, we will pass on all donations to Caritas.
Our Annual General Meeting will take place this coming Tuesday the 11th March at 6:00pm. This is a great opportunity for our community to hear about the great things that have occurred over the last 12 months and the plans afoot for the year ahead. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The Leadership Team
To volunteer at Stella Maris there are 3 steps to take:
- Complete the online RRAHN training (see flyer) and forward the completed certificate to the office.
- To have your catholic Working with Children Check (WWCC).
- To complete the onsite induction and fill out the necessary forms.
To obtain your WWCC you can bring 100 points of identification to the school office, and we can start the process for you.
If you have a DHS clearance, you can provide your certificate, and we can forward it to obtain a catholic clearance.
Please contact the office E: contact@smps.catholic.edu.au for more information.

Hello to all the families at Stella Maris,
As you are aware, we have changed our booking app to Xap this year. I hope the transition has been challenging as I understand the enrolment was detailed and complicated, but now they all seem to be completed, and the booking seemed to be running smoothly. For future casual bookings, families can contact the Patch Leader Linda on 0422 363 189. These booking will need to be confirmed via a msg to ensure Our Patch has written permission to place the casual booking you request.
Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable week.
From your friendly OSHC staff Linda, Benjamin, Stef, Harrison and Teagan
Welcome to the Noone School Uniform Shop!
To ensure personalised attention, all fittings and trying on of uniform is available by appointment. To schedule your appointment or place an online order, simply visit our website: https://www.noone.com.au/
We recommend all new students to have a uniform fitting before starting, or if unsure about sizing, to guarantee a proper fit. Appointments are available throughout the year, and our online ordering portal features size charts to assist you with your order.
Please allocate approximately 30 minutes for each appointment. As each student requires an individual fitting, please remember to book a separate time slot for each child.
We welcome walk-ins, however during our busy periods, to avoid possible delays, we recommend booking for fittings! Use the above link to schedule your appointments and access the updated price list.
For any assistance with the online system or if you have inquiries, please contact the Campbelltown location via email or phone
Your designated uniform store is located at 10 Newton Rd, Campbelltown. Entry is via Newton Rd and parking is available at the front or rear of the premises (access rear parking via Waymouth St.
We encourage families to purchase all required uniform items during the fitting appointment or place a pre-order for collection at a later date. Additional items can be fitted and ordered online as needed.
In the event of sizing issues, exchanges can be made provided the items are unworn and in their original condition and packaging. Proof of purchase will be required.
For any enquiries, please feel free to reach out to our friendly shop staff via phone or email:
08 7095 2535
See you soon!
Noone Team

Important Dates
Public Holiday
Naplan for Years 3 & 6
Naplan for Years 3 & 6
Sports Day
Naplan for Years 3 & 6
1st Session - Sacrament of Reconciliation 7pm
Harmony Day
Year 5 Camp
Student Absence Notification
Please use one of the following options to notify the school that your child will be absent:
Select Option 1 when calling telephone 8306 4888 to advise absentee information. If after hours please leave a detailed message.
Or EMAIL to absent@smps.catholic.edu.au
Uniform Information

Contact Details
Uniform Shop Loaction:10 Newton Rd Campbelltown SA 5074
Phone: 08 7095 2535
Email: campbelltown@noone.com.au
Trading Hours
Monday 8:00 am – 1:00pm
Tuesday 10:30m – 5:30pm
Wednesday 8:00am – 1:00pm
Thursday 10:30am – 5:30pm
Friday 10:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am – 12:00pm
Stella Maris Parish School | Noone
The full range of uniforms and sizes are available for fittings at SMPS. Please contact Tony in the office to make an appointment. Sizing Guide availale on their website.
WHS Inductions for Volunteers
Please contact the office to arrange a time.
E: contact@smps.catholic.edu.au
P: 8306 4888
Holy Spirit Church
Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday, 9am - 2pm
Phone: 08 8298 1044
Email: stannparish@adam.com.au
Address: 24A Ramsay Ave Seacombe Gardens SA 5047
St Bernadette's Church:
Sunday 10:45am
Wednesday & Friday 12 noon
Holy Spirit Church:
Saturday 6pm
Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday 9:15am
Music Tutors
Guitar - Chris Larsson
Mobile: 0424 241 040
Email: chrislarsson01@gmail.com
Piano - Patricia Heller
Mobile: 0403 645 271
Email: patricianheller@gmail.com
Singing - Hallmark Music Studio
Email: kylie@hallmarkmusicstudio.com.au
Violin - Jenny McDonald
Mobile: 0410 441 974
Email: jenjen7@outlook.com
Drums - Gianni Pedicini
Contact Kylie - Hallmark Studios
Ph. 8277 8656