Term 3 Week 9
We celebrate positive comments about our students, we finally acknowledge a ‘night out’ community gathering, we congratulate some new permanent staff members, we ramp up preparations for our concert and we prepare for a break! This is week 9.

I see daily examples of students ‘living’ our values here at Stella. We have Compassionate, Respectful, Inclusive and Courageous actions occurring on a daily basis. But it is always nice when I receive messages from people ‘outside’ our school who provide me with similar observations. Recently, I had three such encounters. A relief teacher who was with us recently, went out of her way to see me at the end of her day to let me know how amazingly RESPECTFUL she found our students. Each class she went into she was met with polite and engaged students. She made a point of telling me how “not all schools are like this”, in fact not many schools she had been in recently had made her feel so welcomed and ‘happy’ to be working.
At Sunday mass recently, a parishioner from Holy Spirit spoke to me about how much she has missed our students at the Tuesday morning parish mass. “The joy and love they brought to the mass through their engagement, behaviour and singing made the mass so joyful”.
And finally, a local resident called me over one lunch time when I was on duty. He felt obliged to speak to me about how when he walks past each day – in the morning before school and at times during play time, he sees and hears consistently INCLUSIVE and COMPASSIONATE language and behaviour exhibited by our students. He wanted me to pass on his congratulations to the kids.
I spoke to the students about these observations and the messages given to me and I provide them to you because you deserve much of the credit for this as well. At Stella, we aim to raise GOOD SAMARITANS who are Compassionate, Respectful, Inclusive and Courageous – and I think we are doing a pretty good job!
What a delight it was to be able to have a community gathering last Saturday night! As I said on the night, this feat should not be underestimated. It took lots of energy, phone calls to the COVID hotline and SA Health, a location change or two, re-ticketing and plenty of committee meetings and emails and messages. But we got there! And it was a super night.
The fact that over $3000 was raised, was secondary to the ‘raising’ of community spirit and being able to connect and interact in ways we haven’t been able to do since COVID hit in March last year.
I want to extend my deep sense of thanks and well done to our Quiz night committee – Maureen Watts and Kylie Bowman particularly for their energy, hard work and organisation but also to Donna Egarr, Tamara Blasbery, Jess White, Pamela Cook, Marianne Northcote, Tony Carbone and … Grateful thanks!
We also extend a huge thanks to the many, many sponsors who made the night the success it was. Their generosity ensured the prizes were hugely high quality and well sought after. Please ensure you have a look at the list and support those businesses who have supported us. And a final big thanks to Rodney our quiz master who stepped in at the last minute after our original quiz master came down ill at the last minute. He was simply brilliant.
Oh, and a special congratulations to the winning table on the night – a strong team effort from the Stella Staff!
Due to some recent staff retirements and the ongoing, sustained growth in enrolments at Stella Maris, we recently advertised permanent teaching positions. I am pleased to let you know that after a very thorough process, our panel appointed Nicole Giannoni, Brooke Penney and Hannah Moroney to these permanent positions. You would know these three outstanding teachers very well with Nicole (Yr 1) being with us this year and Brooke (Yr 3) and Hannah (Yr 5) having started with us last year. All three were extremely impressive – articulating their current knowledge of contemporary educational practice and a strong vision for Stella Maris moving forward with confidence and experience beyond their years. I am sure you will join with me in congratulating these three teachers.
We have now begun looking at finalising a number of contract teaching positions for 2022 and I look forward to sharing further staffing news with you in the coming weeks.
We are ramping up preparations for our bi-annual concert – “Stella’s Celebration of Musicals”. As you would be aware this will take place on Thursday the 21st of October at the Seaton Christian Famil Centre. Students will perform a matinee and evening performance for your viewing pleasure.
Tickets for PARENTS only for the evening performance in the first instance will go on sale on Monday. You will receive a note with details about ticket purchasing on Monday afternoon. There are no restrictions on tickets for the matinee performance. This morning we had our first whole school run through and I was very impressed with what the students have put together.
Last Friday we had our Staff Reflection and Faith Formation day. It was a really beneficial day. Our whole staff gathered off site and we reflected on our call to be Good Samaritans, on how we can be ‘lived examples’ of our school values and we took time out to give ourselves permission to ‘just be’. I thank and congratulate Paula Clarke for her organisation and facilitation of this day.
As I’ve mentioned a few times, schools are entitled to 5 pupil free days per year. These days are used as professional learning and formation days, with different focus areas and facilitators used in various ways. Our School Board are asked to ratify these days as part of their governance role in our school.
We didn’t have any pupil free days in the first semester of the year, and as such, while not ideal for families, it does mean we will have a number of pupil free days ‘clumped’ in this last part of the year. Our upcoming days with their focus will be:
Monday 11th October (first day of Term 3) = Maths focus
Friday 22nd October (day after the concert) = Resources focus
Friday 10th December (last day of school) = 2022 planning day
I thank you for your understanding of these dates and their importance to our whole school development. As always, OSHC services will be provided for families who require it on these days.
As this will be the last newsletter of the term, I take this opportunity to wish you a very relaxing holiday break. I particularly congratulate our 18 new Receptions who have made it through their first term of school – and done so brilliantly.
I think the two week break has come at just the right time for everyone. Stay safe, and I look forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday the 12th October.

‘How do we live out our lives as ‘Good Samaritans’ and how do we assist our students and families to be ‘Good Samaritans’ in their day-to-day life? This was the theme of our Stella Maris reflection day last Friday. Staff revisited the Gospel story of the Good Samaritan and the school values that underpin this tradition of Compassion, Courage, Inclusivity and Respect. Much discussion was undertaken around how we break these values open with our students and role model these values. In the afternoon we had Julian Kluge from the Catholic Education office come out to help staff look at their own spiritual development. He encouraged staff to take the time for this reflection in their daily life in order to help them support their students with this.
We were blessed with a beautiful day which was great for taking the opportunity to undertake some of the activities outside and to really help build community amongst our staff and celebrate the Season of creation.
The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration of prayer and action for our common home. Together, the ecumenical family around the world unites to pray, protect, and advocate for God’s creation.
The 2021 Season of Creation started with ‘The World Day of Prayer for Creation’ on 1 September and runs through until 4 October, which is the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, who is the patron saint of ecology. During the Season of Creation hundreds of thousands of Christians are uniting around the theme, “A home for all? Renewing the Oikos of God.”
Oikos is the Greek word for “home,” or “household.” By positioning the theme in the concept of oikos, we celebrate the integral web of relationships that sustain the well-being of the Earth.
This term each class at Stella Maris has been looking at how we can work to improve sustainability in the world. Each class has looked at a way that they can show care to our earth.
As a whole school we have had a focus on litter and have been looking at how we can reduce our waste. The Year 5 and 6 ‘Sustainability group’ are beginning to do some work around looking at the types of waste we are bringing to school and exploring practical ways that we can reduce this waste.
Next Wednesday, September 22, students and staff will hold a whole school Mass outdoors to celebrate the great work that has been undertaken this term and to pray that others may also take up this call to look after our world for future generations to come. Due to COVID restrictions we are unfortunately unable to have parents join us for this Mass, however we encourage you to ask your children about the work they have undertaken this term.
This weekend I will be taking part in the Diocesan Assembly with other members of the Archdioceses of Adelaide. The Diocesan Assembly is an important gathering for the dioceses as we prepare for the Plenary Council and make future recommendations for the life of the church.
The themes that will be discussed are,
- Inclusion and healing
- Leadership and Leadership formation
- Faith formation and spiritual development
- Parish life and liturgy
- A church that hears and responds to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor.
- Outreach and Accompaniment of Children, Families and Young people.
Please keep all those taking part in this assembly in your prayers as they discern the best way forward for the life of the Church.
Just a friendly reminder that the month of September is the appeal month for Catholic Charities. The oldest child in each family received a brochure with a donation envelope attached at the end of August.
We ask you to please consider how you might be able to assist. Please tear the envelope off of the brochure and send directly to Catholic Charities. No stamp is required to send this in Australia, and all donations over $2 are tax deductible. Thank you.
The current edition of the Catholic newspaper put out by the Archdiocese called,’ The Southern Cross,’ is available at; www.thesoutherncross.org.au
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
God’s Blessings,
Paula Clark

The Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is back! Although ran a little differently this year, students and families have the opportunity to purchase some great books. The theme this year is Reading Oasis: A cool place to discover hot books!
Purchases are available from September 16th to September 21st, with all purchases needing to be made via the online only portal: https://parentpayments.scholastic.com.au/BookFairs
All purchases made will benefit the Stella Maris Resource Centre by accruing points towards new books. Please see the flyer below for further information.
Last week we celebrated RUOK Day and Gratitude day which raised awareness of mental health and wellbeing. We celebrated this with Community Prayer and classroom based activities. One of the activities was an affirmation activity, where students shared kind words about each other. A similar activity was also arranged for staff to share positive affirmations. We hope that days such as these will help our school community to find comfort and the strength to reach out to those in need today, tomorrow and in the future.
If you have any concerns regarding your child's wellbeing, please don't hesitate to reach out. A significant part of my role is supporting students and families in this area and I welcome a conversation at any time.
This week we have been completing the First Years of School Literacy Assessments (FYSLA) for all students in their 1st, 5th or 9th term of school. These tests allow for R-2 teachers to capture early literacy data, foucsing on oral language, concepts of print and reading levels. This allows for monitoring of individual student progress and intervention as required.
Ella Kirkham
Assistant Principal (Learning & Wellbeing)
Three cheers for the year 3 sleepover! Good luck to our students and teachers - a display of courage by all. You'll have a wonderful time and what a great opportunity to prepare for future camps to come!

Important Dates
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Upcoming Events
Catholic Schools Music Festival
School Concert
Sports Day
Canteen Roster
Uniform Information
The full range of uniforms and sizes are available for fittings at SMPS. Fitting times are Tuesday morning – 8:35am – 9:00am and Wednesday afternoon 2:45pm – 3:15pm. Fittings will be in the ‘old uniform shop’. Please contact Tony in the office to make an appointment time.
The new Active uniform can be ordered at:
Their uniform Shop is located at 3/378 Goodwood Rd, Cumberland Park
Due to the current COVID restrictions, JS Sports advise that online ordering is still available, however personal instore shopping is suspended until further notice.
WHS Inductions for Volunteers
These are conducted at 2:30pm on Tuesday afternoons and 9am on Wednesday mornings. Please contact Tony or Cathy in the Office to make an appointment time.
Holy Spirit Church
Phone: 08 82761010
Email: stannparish@adam.com.au