What parents need to know


Parents should ensure that all students arrive at school no later than 8:45am to be ready for the morning bell.  Arriving late causes interruptions to classes and your child’s learning. 


Should any child need to leave the school grounds during school hours e.g. dental/doctor appointment, parental permission must be given via a note in the child’s diary/communication book, phone message or speaking with the class teacher. 

When children are absent from school, please call the school absentee line Ph. 8306 4888 or SMS 0417 038 063 before 9:15am.  This allows us to account for all students.  If your child is sick for more than three days, a medical certificate may be required.

If you know your child will be absent from school for family reasons (i.e. holiday or family event) for five or more days, then an Application for Exemption from School Enrolment/Attendance form needs to be completed.  This form is available from the Office or can be downloaded from our website.


In the event of a child being ill, we will contact a parent to collect the child from school.  If the school is unable to contact the parents, other persons listed on the Emergency Contact Information Form will be called.

To control the spread of gastroenteritis children are to be excluded from school until there has been no vomiting or diarrhoea for 24 hours.

A child showing any symptoms of illness should NOT be at school.

Community gatherings give us an opportunity to pray together and to highlight the various gifts and talents, which each student brings to the school.

Assemblies will occur during each term.  Assemblies are held in the Church at 2:15pm and are an opportunity for the children to showcase their learning and achievements.

Stella Maris Parish School recognises that issues related to the legal and physical custody of students are complicated and can impact the student's educational experience. Parents and legal guardians of students are strongly encouraged to stay involved in their child’s academic progress. Unless a court order decrees otherwise, either parent or a legal guardian may view student reports and attend school functions or school meetings regarding the student. Official notices and report cards will be sent to the parent or legal guardian with primary physical custody of the student during the school year.

It is the responsibility of the parent or legal custodian with primary physical custody to provide current copies of court orders to the school. Child visitation and exchange of custody should not take place during school hours or on school property. Our school will assume no responsibility for enforcing visitation or custody orders and reserves the right to prohibit parents or legal guardians from entering school board property if their conduct becomes disruptive to the school environment. Concerns regarding custody and visitation should be directed to the Principal.


Newsletters are compiled 3 times a term and contain information about school life and events.  To access the newsletter, you will need to subscribe to it. 

Instructions to subscribe to the newsletter online: 

  1. Go to our website www.smps.catholic.edu.au 
  2. Click on the ‘news and events’ tab. 
  3. Click on ‘Join our mailing list’. 
  4. Enter details and click on the submit button. 

Paper copies of the newsletter are available from the office. The newsletter can also be viewed from our website www.smps.catholic.edu.au 




The school has an official social media site on Facebook. Parents are encouraged to utilise this site as a mode of communication and information sharing regarding school activities. The site is managed by the school’s Office. Parents are welcome to post photographs of their children at school events. This invitation does not extend to posting pictures of other students at the school on this media site.

Please “like” the Stella Maris School Facebook page, this is the official Facebook page administrated by the school http://www.facebook.com/StellaMarisParishSchool



This Facebook Group is for current Stella Maris Parish School families and is administrated by staff.

This group is a safe place where parents offer advice and information to support, connect with and encourage everyone in our school community.  If you have any questions or queries please contact the school office on 8306 4888 or email contact@smps.catholic.edu.au

Parents are reminded that they may only post photos or video of their own children.

If you are a Stella Maris family with a business, please feel free to share your business in our group.

Your membership to this FB group will cease at the end of term 1 the following year.

As with all social media, remember to THINK before you post.  Please keep your posts positive and respectful of others. There is zero-tolerance for anti-social behaviour in this group, posts and comments may be removed.  Please feel free to contact the administrators on 8306 4888 who will readily assist with any issues.


These are held at the beginning of each year so that class teachers can meet with parents/caregivers to discuss programs and expectations for the year.

Staff communicate regularly with parents via communication books, (take home books), emails, seesaw and interviews.

Reports are sent home twice a year at the completion of semester 1 and semester 2.

Stella Maris Parish School offers a Catholic education to all who are willing to support the ethos of a Catholic school.  

To enrol your child the following process is followed:

Applications for enrolment can be obtained by visiting or telephoning the school, or via the school’s website.

An Application Fee of $50.00 applies.  When returning the Application for  Enrolment form with the $50.00 fee please include a copy of the child’s Baptismal and Birth Certificates  to the Enrolment Registrar at 1 Syme Ave, Seacombe Gardens SA 5047.
Children may be enrolled for Reception at any time.

Your application form will be acknowledged in writing.

Positions are offered according to the Stella Maris Parish School enrolment policy.  Lodging an Application for Enrolment form does not guarantee acceptance.

Families will be interviewed approximately eighteen months prior to the child’s starting date.

Parents/Caregivers are required to bring a copy of the child’s Birth certificate, Baptismal certificate (if not already done so) and previous school reports if transferring from another school.

Please bring your child to the interview.  The enrolment will be accepted if the enrolment is in accordance with the school’s enrolment policy and there is a place available.  The Principal will inform families in writing as to whether there is a position available for their child.

The Acceptance of Offer contract which accompanies the Letter of Offer must be returned along with the $100 non-refundable deposit by the due date stated in the letter.

Behaviour Education is the process of students working collaboratively with families and staff to accept responsibility for their own behaviour.

Stella Maris Parish School is a place where behaviour management reflects Jesus’ Gospel message of love, dignity and justice.


The following is a statement of expected social behaviour of all persons at Stella Maris Parish School.

  • Show a caring attitude and respect towards others
  • Be courteous and well-mannered
  • Respect personal and school property
  • Relate well to teachers and peers
  • Observe school and classroom rules

The following behaviour management process will be used when students do not follow the agreed code of conduct. This will be unpacked with students and displayed in the classroom. 

  • Remind- teacher positively reminds the individual student about the school values and classroom expectations 
  • Refocus- teacher explicitly re-focuses the student from what they are doing to what they should be doing. This may include moving student to a different place in the classroom or giving some ‘in class time out’ and completion of a reflection sheet. 
  • Reflect- teacher asks the student to move to an alternative location ie. Buddy class and complete a reflection sheet about their behavior and future actions. 
  • Remove- teacher directs the student to the front office and contacts leadership for assistance. 

Personal Responsibility and Bullying Policies exist and are active within the school.

All school rules at Stella Maris are established to ensure that each person is treated with respect, dignity and courtesy.

At the heart of our Bullying and harassment procedures is the requirement to ensure all students feel safe, supported and included in our school community.  

All Bullying and Harassment complaints will be taken seriously and dealt with accordingly. All cases are different and will be dealt with on an as-needed basis.  


Bullying and Harassment can be dealt with both PROACTIVELY and REACTIVELY.  


  • Setting up and making clear the school and class rules and values which dictate the way in which we behave in relationships with each other.   
  • Regularly and consistently discussing (through Health, R.E and Child protection lessons) the importance of the way in which we treat each individual in our school community.  
  • Picking up on challenging relationships quickly and dealing with minor indiscretions seriously so that things don’t escalate or increase. 
  • Taking complaints from students seriously in the first instance and dealing with even minor relationship issues in a serious manner. Ensuring that all students feel listened to and that the matter is dealt with is important. This includes both yard and class issues.  
  • Ensuring that students are taught about the S.A.F.E Bullying and Harassment procedures if they feel as though they are being bullied.  All classes should have the S.A.F.E posters displayed in their classrooms and this should be regularly reviewed (termly) as a whole class.  


Students are encouraged to use the SAFE anagram to support their dealings with people who they believe are Bullying them. This process includes: 

  • S = Speak Up – Tell the bully to stop what they are doing – including being specific about WHAT they are doing and WHY they want them to stop. 
  • A = Ask a Friend to go with you and do the same thing.  
  • F = Find a teacher – tell a teacher about what is happening and how you are feeling. 
  • E = Extra Help – seek extra help from  the Principal or member of the Leadership team to deal with the issue. 

All cases of Bullying will be dealt with on an individual basis using a Restorative approach and the schools Bullying and Harassment Policy as a guide.  

Regularly discussing issues of Bullying and Harassment that arise with members of the Leadership team is also required. 

Stella Maris Parish School is an allergy aware school, this means we are a ‘NUT FREE’ environment. We have students across various year levels who will suffer an extreme adverse reaction—life threatening – if they come into contact with any food product containing traces of nuts.

When classes have ‘shared lunches’ parents need to be mindful that the plate of food that is being sent to school is ‘nut free’. We appreciate this could be an inconvenience as some children love peanut paste and other nut based spreads. Thank you for your understanding and care in this matter.

Stella Maris Parish School provides a safe and secure environment. Your child’s safety is ensured by:

  • Staff supervised play times.
  • Closely monitored absence/early pickup procedures.
  • Fully fenced school yard.
  • Each class negotiates its own rules, an example of the Reception class rules are:  we are kind to each other, listen and look, we wait and put our hands up to speak, we walk in our classroom, keep the classroom tidy.
  • It is important to assist children in becoming responsible for their own behaviour and allowing them to make choices.
  • Our aim is to ensure a safe, comfortable environment for all.

School and class rules have been developed to ensure safety and security and to promote consistency across the school.

Student Medication

If you child requires medication at school, please contact the office for a medication plan.



All classrooms have both air-conditioning and heating; there is no early dismissal on hot days.  In wet weather and extreme hot weather, children’s lunch is supervised within the classroom.

When the forecast temperature on the day of an outdoor sporting event is 36°C or over the school’s policy is that is shall be cancelled.  Whether or not other indoor sporting events proceed shall be decided in consultation with the venue’s staff, team coaches and Principal.  The decision depends heavily on the cooling system the stadium or venue has.



We have a policy that if a child does not have a hat; they are required to stay under shaded areas such as the verandah for recess, lunchtime and during sport lessons.  School hats are available from the Uniform Shop.

The school's hat policy is in place to protect students against damage from the sun's UV rays. At certain times of the year, during second and third terms, the UV reading does not go above 3. At these times, the Cancer Council recommends students don't wear hats at recess and lunch, allowing them to be exposed to the sun's safe rays and absorbing much needed vitamin D. Teachers will discuss with classes the reason for sun protection and why at certain times of the year the barriers we put in place can be minimised. The UV rating is printed in the Advertiser each day in the weather section.


It is recommended that children have a  30+ sunscreen applied at home before arriving at school.  The school will supply sunscreen in each classroom for the children to use.  Parents must teach their children how to apply sunscreen.  Teachers will encourage children to take care of their skin and to remind them to apply sunscreen.

Our Patch have partnered with Stella Maris Parish School to provide quality Outside School Hours Care for you and your children. We are so excited to be working with the families and community of Seacombe Gardens to provide a full program of Before and After School Care and Holiday Programs! Child Care Subsidies (CCS) are available to eligible families and can cover up to 90% of your fees.

Before School Care includes a healthy breakfast, games to play, a chance to catch up with friends before getting ready for the school day.

After School Care includes a healthy afternoon tea, engaging clubs, chances for active outdoor play, free play, arts and crafts and more!

Holiday Programs take place over the school holidays and include a healthy breakfast, morning tea and afternoon tea, fun themed days, exciting incursions and excursions and more!

Our Patch is a new OSHC provider offering Before School, After School and Holiday Programs. It has been meticulously designed from the ground up that gives children voice and offers them a safe place of wonder in which to GROW.

Children must be enrolled at the service to be able to attend, so enrol now to join in on the fun!

For enrolments or more information, please visit our website: website:  www.ourpatch.education


Our Patch Support Office:  1300 018 310

Hours of operation

Before school care: 7.00 am – 8.30 am

After school care: 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm

Holiday Programs and Pupil Free Days: 7.00 am - 6.00 pm


Find out more about Child Care Subsidy entitlements here: https://www.education.gov.au/child-care-subsidy-campaign

Stella Maris has four Houses, all named after people who have a significant impact upon our school. The Houses compete in an annual Sports Day and House groups are occasionally used throughout the year for both Whole school and individual class purposes. Each child is assigned a House team upon beginning at Stella Maris.

The House teams are: 

  • Carmel (Yellow) 
  • Murphy (Green) 
  • Polding (Red) 
  • Sontrop (Blue) 

Privacy and Copyright Consent

At certain times throughout their schooling, our students may have the opportunity to be photographed or filmed or have their artwork/projects displayed. 

Stella Maris Parish School and/or  Catholic Education SA (CESA) may also wish to use such photographs/videos or artwork in print and online promotional, marketing, media and educational materials. This includes school and CESA newsletters, websites, social media or to promote the school or CESA in newspapers and other media.  All students are required to complete the relevant consent forms when starting school.